The Book of Barak
I recently forced myself to tackle all the piles and hidden boxes in my life. I cracked it all open and sorted through, forced to deal with forgotten days and ideas. Along the way I found a great treasure: the illustrations I’ve been lugging around in folders and sketchbooks my whole life. I went in with scissors and found the best and fondest. Since then I’ve been refining and editing the selection, and writing little poems to flesh out a bit of the thinking that went into making them.
I’m going to release one a day for a year, along with an original and maybe some merch on the side. That’s the plan anyways. I’m not sure where this journey will end, except that hopefully I’ll have shared these little treasures I made for myself. And maybe have a book.
This serves as my loving tribute to Shel Silverstein, and all the cartoonists I loved growing up like Bill Watterson and Gary Larsen.
Enjoy! Barak